Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hi world! This is my first blog post. Not really sure why I started it or what I'll talk about but I thought it would be fun!

A little about me. I am a married 32 year old mom of a 10 year old daughter. I am currently unemployed, like alot of others in this country. I look for work every day, and apply for EVERYTHING that I am remotely qualified for. Still no luck. Something will come along soon, I am sure of it.

I love pop culture, celeb gossip, and I am one of "those Twi-Moms". I am quite obsessed with Twilight. The books, the movies, the actors, the music, everything about it. I spend a lot of my free time reading my fave Twi-blogs and twitter posts. Kind of pathetic, I know. But it makes me happy and I could be doing worse things.

This month begins my favorite time of the year for TV watching. American Idol started up again. I love that cheesy show. 24 starts again in a few days!! Love me some Jack Bauer!! And then Feb 2nd, LOST returns. Woo hoo!

I am deeply saddened by the destruction in Haiti caused by the earthquakes. Unreal and tragic.

Enough rambling for tonight! Good night world!